


What is HASO?

HASO is an international initiative to create an archive that preserves all historical observations of sunspots. These observations are the fundamental basis of studies on solar physics, space climate and global change.


Why is important to know the Sunspot Number in the last centuries?

The Sun is the closest star to our Earth. Thus, the Sun has been observed especially in the last four centuries (since the invention of the telescope). Furthermore, changes in the Sun greatly affect many processes in the Earth. Therefore, the evolution of some solar parameters during the last centuries, as the Sunspot Number, is crucial to a better understanding of the Sun and the Earth from a long-term perspective.


How can you help?

Anyone can help. The local board is working to incorporate every day new links and files. However, any help or suggestions are welcome. You may provide links to data and historical works that contain information about the Sun. You can also provide relevant files to be hosted on our server. You can even donate publications to be preserved in HASO at the library of the Centro Universitario de Mérida.


Contact: jvaquero (a) unex.es