Historical literature

Historical literature


Ackermann, J. F. (1770) Commentarius observationum physico-astronomicarum et meteorologicarum (Kiliae). (google)

Adelburner (1735) Commercium litterarium ad Astronomiae incrementum (Norimbergae). (bib)

Carrington, R.C. (1863) Observations of the spots on the sun from November 9, 1853, to March 24, 1861, made at Redhill (London: Williams and Norgate). (arc)

de la Rue, W., Stewart, B., Loewy, B.  (1869) Researches on Solar Physics. Heliographical Positions and Areas of Sun-Spots Observed with the Kew Photoheliograph during the Years 1862 and 1863. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 159, 1-110. (bib)

de la Rue, W., Stewart, B., Loewy, B.  (1870) Researches on Solar Physics. No. II. The Positions and Areas of the Spots Observed at Kew during the Years 1864, 1865, 1866, also the Spotted Area of the Suns’s Visible Disk from the Commencement of 1832 up to May 1868. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 160, 389-496. (bib)

Fabricius, J. (1611) De maculis in sole observatis et apparente earum cum sole conversione narratio (Witebergae). (bib)

Flamsteed, J. (1725) Historiae Coelestis Britannicae, volumen primum (London: H. Meere). (google)

Flamsteed, J. (1725) Historiae Coelestis Britannicae, volumen secundum (London: H. Meere). (google)

Flamsteed, J. (1725) Historiae Coelestis Britannicae, volumen tertium (London: H. Meere). (google)

Galileo (1613) Istoria e dimostrazioni intorno alle macchie solari e loro accidenti (Roma: Giacomo Mascardi). (google)

Hevelius, J. (1647) Johannis Hevelii Selenographia sive lunae descriptio : atque accurata, tam macularum ejus, … delineatio, …; addita est, lentes expoliendi nova ratio, ut et telescopia diversa construendi, et experiendi, … explicatur (Gedani : Hünefeld). (bib)

Malapert, C. (1633) Austriaca sidera heliocyclia astronomicis hypothesibus illigata (Dvaci: ex officina Baltazaris Belleri). (arc)

Malapert, C. (1620) Oratio habita Duaci dum lectionem mathematicam auspicaretur: in qua de novis Belgici telescopii phaenomenis non iniucunda quaedam academice disputantur. (google)

Peters, C.H.F. (1907) Heliographic positions of sun-spots observed at Hamilton College from 1860-1870 (Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington). (arc)

Scheiner, C. (1612) Tres epistolae de maculis Solaribus scriptae ad Marcum Velserum. (bib)

Scheiner, C. (1612) De Maculis Solarib. Et stellis circa Iovem errantibus, Accuratior Disquisitio. (google)

Scheiner, C. (1630) Rosa Ursina, sive sol ex admirando facularum & macularum suarum phoenomeno varius (Braccianum). (bib)

Schröter, J. H. (1789) Beobachtungen über die Sonnenfackeln und Sonnenflecken (Erfurt: Georg Adam Keyser). (bib)

Spörer, G. (1874) Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken. I. (Leipzig: W. Engelmann). (eur)

Spörer, G. (1876) Beobachtungen der Sonnenflecken. II. (Leipzig: W. Engelmann). (eur)

Spörer, G. (1889) Über die periodicitat de Sonnenflecken seit dem Jahr 1618. Nova Acta der Ksl. Leop.-Carol. Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 53(2): 281-324. (here)

Tarde, J. (1627) Les astres de Borbon (Paris: Jean Geselin) (bib)

Weidler, J. F. (1729) Observationes Meteorologicae Atque Astronomicae Ann. MDCCXXIIX Et MDCCXXIX (Vitembergae: Gerdesia). (eur)